Let's come together for mental health, community, and future planning.
Let's collectively collage us into 2025.
Join the Womxn Project, the Creative Reuse Center, and the Womxn Project Education Fund hope to create a shared vision board as we think about bodily freedom in 2025 and beyond. Regardless of who is elected president, Rhode Island is seeing a new wave of hate organizing and we see community building as a part of being a united response of love towards all people.
Using artivistic (art + activism) principles and methods of self-expression, we can begin fostering visions of social change through collaging, while also enjoying the therapeutic activity that it is.
In the end, the group goal will be to curate a large collage, made with found imagery and non-verbal connections that will then act as a road map to advocating toward a more just and equitable Rhode Island together.
Facilitated by Jordan Banick, co-founder of The Womxn Project
RSVP at bit.ly/Collaging-Forward